Wildflower Report for Rowena Plateau

LocationRowena Plateau
ReporterGreg Lief
CommentsThe Northwestern Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza deltoidea) has started blooming, well ahead of schedule. I estimate that it will be at peak in app. 3-4 weeks. Also blooming are: Gold Star Crocidium multicaule, Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora), Upland Larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum), Western Buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis), Smooth Prairie Star (Lithophragma glabra), Northwestern Saxifrage (Saxifraga integrifolia), Manroot (Marah oreganus), Gray’s Desert Parsley (Lomatium grayi), and Yellow Bells (Fritillaria pudica) which are mostly past peak.

Rowena Plateau
The Northwestern Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza deltoidea) has started blooming, well ahead of schedule. I estimate that it will be at peak in app. 3-4 weeks. Also blooming are: Gold Star Crocidium multicaule, Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora), Upland Larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum), Western Buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis), Smooth Prairie Star (Lithophragma glabra), Northwestern Saxifrage (Saxifraga integrifolia), Manroot (Marah oreganus), Gray’s Desert Parsley (Lomatium grayi), and Yellow Bells (Fritillaria pudica) which are mostly past peak.

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